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Comparison of incidence of posterior capsule opacification among acrylic intraocular lenses
Poster Details
First Author: K.Ishii JAPAN
Co Author(s): N. Kurita T. Toyono Y. Kato
Abstract Details
We have reported a rate of posterior capsulotomy for treatment of posterior capsule opacificaion (PCO) with acrylic intraocular lenses (IOL) in different optic designs(ESCRS 2009). This time, the observational period was extended to compare the length of time to posterior capsulotomy and the posterior capsulotomy rate among the IOLs.
Saitama Red Cross Hospital
The subjects in this retrospective study were recruited 9,690 eyes (male 3,859 eyes, female 5,831 eyes, mean age 71.7±10.9 years old) at our Departments of Ophthalmology who had cataract surgery having implantation of acrylic 6mm diameter optic IOLs from January 2002 to December 2012. In this study, treatment of Neodymium:YAG (Nd:YAG) was defined as death, and the survival rates were compared among the IOLs by Kaplan-Meier survival analysis.
The survival rates and the observation periods at the point of last observation were SA60AT (Alcon) 97.6% 114 months, MA60BM (Alcon) 96.6% 131 months, VA60CB (HOYA) 94.7% 128 months, VA60BB (HOYA) 89.6% 114 months, YA60BB (HOYA) 87.4% 95 months, YA60BBR (HOYA) 87.0% 85months. The survival rates of SA60AT and MA60BM were significantly higher than the other IOLs (p<0.007~0.001).
The shaper of the posterior optics edge was the lower in Nd:YAG rate in this study. FINANCIAL INTEREST: NONE