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A retrospective study of hyperopia and anisometropia in young adult men in Istanbul, Turkey
Poster Details
First Author: D.Tez TURKEY
Co Author(s):
Abstract Details
To explore hyperopia, anisometropia and their association with amblyopia and ocular motility disorder in young adult men in İstanbul, Turkey.
Kasımpaşa Army Hospital Ophthalmology Service Beyoğlu-İstanbul
This study was composed retrospectively; the records of the patients who are between 20 and 25 years old man examined among January 2011 and December 2013.
Patients who have hyperopia and anisometropia were selected. After deterioration of visual acuity; cycloplegic refraction was measured auto-refractometer. Anisometropia was defined by spherical equivalent difference. Ocular motility was examined. Also these patients' education levels were explored. Patients were divided into four groups;
First group, both eyes spherical equivalent difference are +5.50 D and over. Second group, both eyes hyperopia measurements are +7.00 D and over. Third group, both eyes hyperopia measurements are +11.00 and over. And last group were included anisometropia difference are +4.00 D and over.
A total of 1844 men who are 20-25 years old were examined. Prevalence of first group is % 0.43, second group is% %7.21, third group is %0.48 and last group is %4.82.
The best corrected visual acuity was 3/10 in %95.50 of anisometropic cases.
Esotropia was present in %46.02 and exotropia was present in %8.36 in these four groups.
Also, all of patients who consulted us were only %18.82 graduated from university.
Hyperopia, anisometropia and their association with amblyopia and ocular motility disorder are vision threatening pathologies if they don't determine and threat during early childhood. Unfortunately all of our patients are 20-25 years old. So we quantified the rising risk of amblyopia with increasing spherical equivalent, anisometropia and hyperopia. We believe that, these situations are caused by the low education levels of the patients. FINANCIAL INTEREST: NONE