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Outcomes of a novel thermal pulsation system (Lipiflow) in management of meibomian gland dysfunction
Poster Details
First Author: S.Mahajan Sachdeva INDIA
Co Author(s): R. Shetty A. Ranganath B. Shetty
Abstract Details
To assess use of a thermal pulsation system (Lipiflow) in management of meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) refractory to conventional management.
Tertiary Super specialty Eye Hospital and Research Centre, South India
70 eyes of 35 patients with MGD refractory to conventional treatment were recruited in the study. Patients with aqueous deficiency dry eye were excluded from Lipiflow treatment. Pre-operative evaluation included assessment of patient symptoms using Standard Patient Evaluation of Eye Dryness (SPEED) questionnaire (Tear science Inc.), measurement of Tear film break up time (TBUT), Schirmer's test with anaesthesia, quantification of lipid layer of tear film (using Lipiview interferometer) as interferometric colour units (ICU) and infrared meibography (using Keratograph 5). Patients underwent Lipiflow thermal pulsation therapy (single sitting) for 12 minutes. Post-procedure, the preoperative parameters were evaluated at 6 months to assess the improvement in dry eye signs and symptoms.
The SPEED questionnaire score improved from 21.90 pre treatment to 14.17 (p=0.2) at 6 months post treatment. The average TBUT pre treatment was 4.12 seconds, which improved to 12.76 seconds at 6 months (p=0.009). Average ICU scores improved from 66.81 to 87.81 (p=0.01). There was no statistically significant change in the Schirmer's scores. Patients with meibomian gland drop outs >2/3rd surface area on meibography had a poorer outcome than patients with well preserved meibomian gland architecture.
Lipiflow seems to be a good option for chronic MGD management. Pre treatment meibography helps in better patient selection. However, long term follow up is required. FINANCIAL INTEREST: NONE