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The early clinical outcomes of monovision laser in situ keratomileusis for presbyopia with hyperopic astigmatism or mixed astigmatism
Poster Details
First Author: T.Yonekawa JAPAN
Co Author(s): K. Masuda T. Tsuru H. Uozato T. Yamamoto S. Tamaoki K. Inoue
Abstract Details
Recently, many authors have reported advantages of monovision laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK), including our paper, titled monovision LASIK for a myopic astigmatism patient (Yonekawa et al, JSCRS 2012).
We investigate the early clinical outcomes in which monovision LASIK was carried out for treating presbyopia with hyperopic astigmatism or mixed astigmatism patient of both eye.
Masuda Memorial Eye Care Clinic, Tokyo, Japan
The subjects were 10 eyes of 5 patients (mean age: 54.2 years old, mean of spherical equivalent: Dominant eye +0.43±0.57 diopters (D), Non-dominant eye +0.46±0.83D) who underwent monovision LASIK at our clinic.
The target refractions were emmetropia in the dominant eyes, and -1.0 to -2.0D in the non-dominant eyes.
Mean uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA), contrast sensitivity (18inch), effectiveness factor, safety factor, and near stereopsis were statistically analyzed.
Using questionnaire, patient satisfaction after surgery was evaluated.
At 3 months postoperatively, distant UCVA (UCDVA) was -0.07±0.11 (logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution [log MAR]), and near UCVA (UCNVA) was 0.05±0.04 (log MAR). The effectiveness factor was 0.86±0.16 (distant) and 0.88±0.10 (near) respectively. The safety factor was 0.84±0.11 (distant) and 0.95±0.10 (near) respectively. The degree of patients' satisfaction (r=0.702, 0.01< P<0.05) was significantly correlated with age, as well as with UCDVA(r=0.758, 0.01< P<0.05) in the dominant eyes and UCNVA(r=0.874, 0.01< P<0.05) in the non-dominant eyes. Contrast sensitivity and near stereopsis were within the normal range in all cases.
In monovision LASIK for treating presbyopia with hyperopic astigmatism or mixed astigmatism patients, age, UCDVA and UCNVA affected the degree of patient satisfaction. Monovision LASIK is one of the modalities which treat presbyopia with hyperopic astigmatism or mixed astigmatism. FINANCIAL INTEREST: NONE