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Clinical outcomes in patients implanted with transparent hydrogel corneal inlay under a thick femtosecond laser flap
Poster Details
First Author: J.Whitman USA
Co Author(s):
Abstract Details
To assess visual outcomes and safety of a hydrogel inlay implanted under a thick femtosecond laser flap.
Key-Whitman Eye Center (KWEC)
2801 Lemmon Avenue, Suite 200
Dallas, Texas 75204
Ph: 214.754.0000
Prospective, multicenter, series of cases. Emmetropes (refractions) implanted with the Raindrop Near Vision Inlay in the non-dominant eye under a femtosecond flap with a target thickness of 33% of the central corneal thickness (CCT). ETDRS Visual acuities at various distances, visual symptoms (glare, halos), and ocular discomfort (dryness, pain, light sensitivity) were evaluated at 1M, 3M, 6M, and 12M.
Thirty (N=30) subjects with a mean age of 50.5 years old (SD 3.6) implanted with Raindrop Inlays at a target depth of 33% of the CCT were available for analysis. Measured depths ranged between 32% to 39% of CCT. Average preop CCT was 525 ± 15 μm. Average flap thickness was 176 μm (min : 160 μm, max : 215 μm). Monocularly in the inlay eye, 89% of patients were UNVA 20/25 (0.8) and 96% of patients were UDVA 20/32 (0.63) at 1 month postop. By 3 months, mean visual acuities were better than 20/25 (0.8) at near, intermediate, and distance. At the latest visit (12 months), there were no reports of marked or severe ocular dryness, 3% of patients reported moderate halos, and no patients reported moderate or worse glare.
Raindrop Inlay provided good visual performance at near, intermediate, and distance with low visual symptoms and ocular discomfort when implanted under a flap with a target thickness of 33% of the CCT. FINANCIAL INTEREST: NONE