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Satisfaction of users of the multifocal intraocular lens Alcon AcrySof ReSTOR®
Poster Details
First Author: R.Villasenor Garcia MEXICO
Co Author(s): G. Givaudan Pedroza K. Perez Bailón S. Peniche Moreno L. Fernandez de Ortega
Abstract Details
To find out patient's satisfaction using IOL Restor after cataract surgery.
Anterior Segment Department, Asociación para Evitar la Ceguera en México I.A.P., 'Hospital Dr. Luis Sánchez Bulnes', Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, Mexico.
Files of patients who underwent cataract surgery with apodized diffractive multifocal lens (Alcon AcrySof Restor ®) implant were reviewed, from January 2009 to October 2012.
We included the files of 86 patients. 6 months after surgery, which is the time required for neuroadaptation to occur, patients received a phone call and were asked to answer the Visual Function Index 14 (VF14) survey, which is validated since 1994.
The VF14 assesses functional ability in 14 activities of daily living that can be affected by cataract and so can improve postoperatively; activities are divided into near, intermediate and distance vision. Patients are asked to rate the difficulty of these tasks. The score is obtained by multiplying the number given by the patient (0-4) depending on the ease of performing the activity by 25; zero means inability to perform the activity and 100 means he or she can perform it without any difficulty (3). In addition to the survey, patients were intentionally questioned about the presence of halos and need to use spectacles
38 patients were surveyed, 30 were females (78.95%) and 8 males (21.05%). 86.8% were bilaterally pseudophakic. Preoperatively 44% of patients were hypermetropic (range +1.00 D to +2.00 D); postoperatively 92% had a refractive success of -0.1 to +1.0 D.
69 intraocular lenses were implanted: 86% Restor +3, 6% Restor +4, 7% Restor Toric and 1% Restor +3 with a capsular tension ring. There were three intraoperative complications, two localized zonular dialysis (2.90%) and a posterior capsule rupture (1.45%). Postoperatively an offset lens (1.45%) was reported.
More than 85% of patients' satisfaction in all assessed activities was obtained; 85% of patients decreased the use of spectacles and only 10% reported the presence of halos.
Near and intermediate activities were those that showed higher levels of patient satisfaction. At night, the level of satisfaction of the tasks decreased. Contrary to what is reported in the literature, the presence of halos is rare. Patients are satisfied with their quality of life with the multifocal lens. FINANCIAL INTEREST: NONE