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Light adjustable lens: clinical study and case report on visual and refractive outcomes following cataract surgery
Poster Details
First Author: R.Rivera USA
Co Author(s):
Abstract Details
To evaluate pre-adjustment and post-adjustment visual and refractive outcomes achieved after implantation and treatment with a UV-Light Adjustable Lens (LAL®).
Private Ophthalmology Group Practice
In this prospective randomized controlled study, eyes with corneal cylinder of 0.75D - 2.00D undergoing cataract surgery are implanted with the Light Adjustable Lens (LAL; Calhoun Vision, Pasadena, CA) or a control monofocal IOL in a 2:1 ratio. Adjustment of lens power to correct residual spherical error and astigmatism in LAL eyes is done 17 - 21 days post-op, followed by an optional second adjustment, and then two lock-in treatments to freeze the lens power. The refractive goal was emmetropia in all eyes.
13 eyes implanted with the LAL were followed to one week post-final lock-in treatment. Before receiving a light adjustment, 15% of eyes had a UCVA of 20/20 and 30% had 0.50D or less of measured astigmatism. After adjustment and final lock-in, nearly 80% of eyes achieved a UCVA of 20/20 and over 90% had 0.50D or less of measured astigmatism. Furthermore, at the one week post-final lock-in visit, over 90% of eyes achieved a UCVA that was within one line of their BSCVA.
In one particular case study, a subject was measured with a subjective refraction of +1.50 -0.75 x171 and a UCVA of 20/40-2 pre-adjustment. Following adjustment and final lock-in, the subject was measured with a subjective refraction of +0.25 D spherical and achieved a UCVA of 20/16-2.
The adjustment and lock-in of the LAL utilizing a UV-light treatment beam in a precise spatial irradiance pattern results in excellent visual outcomes by improving visual acuity and reducing residual post-refractive error. FINANCIAL INTEREST: NONE