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The effect of decentration on power profiles of bifocal refractive lenses and its interpretation in optical quality
Poster Details
First Author: E.Papadatou SPAIN
Co Author(s): A. Domínguez-Vicent G. Zoulinakis D. Madrid-Costa T. Ferrer-Blasco R. Montés-Micó
Abstract Details
To evaluate the in vitro changes on power profiles of bifocal refractive lenses for different degrees of decentering and how it affects the optical outcome.
University of Valencia, Spain.
The NIMO TR1504 (Lambda-X) instrument was used to measure the optical power across different degrees of decentration starting with the lens at its centered position and then including different amounts of decentration from 0.2 mm to 1.00 mm in steps of 0.2 mm, for a 6 mm aperture diameter. In addition, the root mean square (RMS) of total higher aberrations (trefoil, coma, tetrafoil, secondary astigmatism, and spherical aberration) was analyzed and used to calculate the point spread function (PSF) and to simulate retinal images for each step of decentration.
The results showed a negative increase in lens power (power curves were shifted towards the negative direction) with the increase of decentration. Respectively, the value of root mean square (RMS) increased with the increase of decentering and the quality of point spread function (PSF) and simulated images, gradually dropped.
The results showed that decentration led to a gradually increasing negative shift in lens power (from the lens center towards the periphery) which affected the quality of the retinal image and therefore underlines the necessity of accurate centration of the lens in order to maximize the visual outcome. FINANCIAL INTEREST: NONE