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Lens epithelial cell growth on two different hydrophobic IOL anterior optical components
Poster Details
First Author: G.Kleinmann ISRAEL
Co Author(s): T. Weinberg I. Klein M. Huszar A. Harari N. Ezov D. Zadok
Abstract Details
To investigate lens epithelial cells (LEC's) proliferation on the anterior aspect of the optical component of two hydrophobic intraocular lenses (IOLs).
Ophthalmology and Pathology Department Kaplan Medical Center, Rehovot, Israel and Harlan Biotech Israel, Rehovot, Israel.
Ten New Zealand white rabbits underwent crystalline lens evacuation and were randomly implanted with an AcrySof® (Alcon) IOL in one eye and a Tecnis® (AMO) IOL in the fellow eye. Biomicroscopy was performed one and two weeks after the surgery and the rabbits were then sacrificed. The eyes were enucleated and the IOLs with the capsules were stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) to evaluate LEC's, large cells (macrophages and giant cells) and proteinaceous matrix areas along the edge of the capsulorrhexis on the anterior aspect of the IOLs optical component.
LECs were found on 10/10 AcrySof ® IOLs and on 0/10 Tecnis® IOLs, P<0.001. Areas of proteinaceous matrix deposits at the edge of the capsulorrhexis were found on 8/10 AcrySof ® IOLs and 0/10 Tecnis® IOLs, P<0.001. Large cells were found on 10/10 AcrySof ® IOLs and on 9/10 Tecnis® IOLs, P=1.0. No difference in the inflammation markers were found between the two groups, P=0.234.
LECs with corresponding proteinaceous matrix deposits were found significantly more on the anterior aspect of the AcrySof ® IOL compared with the Tecnis® IOL. There were no differences in the presence of large cells. Further investigation is required to explain our findings. FINANCIAL INTEREST: NONE