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Anterior chamber parameters in myopic and keratoconus eyes
Poster Details
First Author: F.Orucoglu TURKEY
Co Author(s):
Abstract Details
To compare the corneal anterior chamber depth (ACD), anterior chamber volume (ACV) and anterior chamber angle (ACA) in myopic and keratoconus eye
Bir Inci Eye Hospital. Istanbul, Turkey
Scheimpflug photography with the Oculus Pentacam was used to measure the anterior chamber parameters of 301 right eyes of myopic and 287 keratoconus eyes
The mean age of normal and keratoconus subjects were 30.26±12.14 and 30.83±9.71years (p=0,577). In myopic eyes, mean spherical equivalent refraction was -3,35±2,25 D. Mean ACD, ACV and ACA of myopic eyes were 3.29, 213.97 ,40,97 respectively. This parameters were 3.43, 197.20, 40,24 in keratoconus eyes (p =0.051, <0,001, 0,577). The differences were similar for ACV for both sexes between myopia and keratoconus. (male p<0,001, female p=0,003). Gender related difference were found for ACV only in myopic eyes (male; 222.82 vs female; 205.57, p<0,001). There were no difference for any parameters in keratoconus eyes between genders. No parameters changed regarding keratoconus stage (p= 0,370 to 0,528)
However there were no significant difference for ACD between myopia and keratoconus eyes, ACV was lesser in keratoconus group. This difference was gender independent FINANCIAL INTEREST: NONE