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Accelerated corneal collagen cross-linking for keratoconus in Asian eyes: 6 month report
Poster Details
First Author: L.Li SINGAPORE
Co Author(s): D. Tan J. Mehta H. Mya Htoon C. Chan Mei Lan
Abstract Details
Interventional prospective study on the safety and efficacy of accelerated corneal collagen cross-linking for corneal ectasia
Interventional prospective study at the Singapore National Eye Centre
Patients with clinical evidence of progressive keratoconus or LASIK keratectasia were enrolled for the study. Inclusion criteria included progressive keratoconus, more than 18 years of age, good general health, patients' contact lens wear must be stopped 3 days prior to preoperative assessment. Exclusion criteria included corneal epithelial healing disorders,
corneal melting conditions, herpetic keratitis, associated systemic disorder such as Down's syndrome, pregnancy/breastfeeding, patients with autoimmune diseases, patients with IOP >21mmHg. Patients underwent accelerated corneal cross-linking with the Avedro KXL device. Outcome measures include: uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA) and best corrected visual acuity (BCVA), manifest/cycloplegic refraction, corneal topography with Pentacam (Oculus Optikgerate GmbH, Germany), endothelial cell count measurements with Konan noncontact endothelial cell analyser.
34 eyes in 32 patients were recruited (25 males, 7 females, mean age 27.9 years. Mean spherical equivalent: -4.47D (range: +2 to -22D). Mean central corneal thickness: 473um (range:415 to 552um). Mean preoperative keratometry were K1: 47.39 (41.8 to 56.8), K2: 51.26 (41.6 to 69.6). 9 patients completed 6 months follow-up. There was no difference in pre-operative and 6 months post operative follow-up measurements for unaided visual acuity, best corrected visual acuity, sphere, cylinder and manifest spherical equivalent, keratometry and endothelial cell count. Mean pentacam pachymetry measurements showed a significant reduction at 6 months follow-up (thinnest location pachymetry: 480.89 to 451.67um, p<0.05). No complications were encountered.
Our early results suggest that accelerated corneal cross-linking is a safe and effective treatment for the prevention of keratoconus progression. Although corneal keratometry measurements remained stable at 6 months' follow-up, it is associated with significant corneal thinning. FINANCIAL INTEREST: One of more of the authors... is employed by a forNONEprofit company with an interest in the subject of the presentation