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Riboflavin iontophoresis cross-linking 6 month follow-up with SD OCT: a pilot study
Poster Details
First Author: G.Capello ITALY
Co Author(s): A. Papayannis F. Pellegrini D. Bonsanto G. Prosdocimo
Abstract Details
to evaluate the efficacy of the new technique of corneal collagen trans epithelial cross-linking (CXL) performed by iontophoresis to enhance penetration of riboflavin through intact epithelium, in the management of progressive keratoconus
The department of Ophthalmology in the Hospital 'De Gironcoli' in
Conegliano Veneto (TV) Italy.
Prospective case series study. nineteen eyes of 18 patients with progressive keratoconus (1 to 3 of Krumeich classification of keratoconus) were included. Corneal collagen crosslinking was performed under topical anaesthesia and corneas were soaked with a specifically formulated solution of riboflavin 0.1% using a iontophoresis system (I-ON CXL ® and Ricrolin + ® -SOOFT Italia S.p.A-) to allow quick passage into the corneal stroma through intact epithelium. The soaking time lasts 5 minutes and the irradiation is performed for 9 minutes using a solid-state UV-A illuminator at 370 nm, with an irradiance of 10 mW/cm2 at a distance of about 5 cm. The follow-up was at 1st, 3rd and 6th month with visual acuity, corneal map and pachymetry performed with CASIA SD OCT, and endothelial cell count
mean best spectacle-corrected visual acuity (BSCVA) improved from 0.198 ± 0.703 up to 0.165 ± 0.667 (LogMAR). Corneal topographic analysis of treated eyes showed a stabilization of the average keratometry 6 month after the procedure from 46.52 ± 3.37 to 46.56 ± 3.49 diopters, as well as the mean posterior keratometry (from -6.73 ± 0.73 to -6.73 ± 0.72). Corneal astigmatism decreased from 2.94 ± 1.39 to 2.71 ± 1.16 diopters. Also the thinnest point of the cornea remained substantially unchanged (from 465 ± 39.73 µm to 463 ± 40.95 µm). Intraocular pressure, endothelial cell count, lens and fundus didn't change significantly at 6 months follow-up
CXL improved BSCVA as well as stabilize the average k-readings at 6 month postoperatively in our cohort. Iontophoresis seems to be a safe and promising procedure to stop the progression of keratoconus, allowing intrastromal riboflavin diffusion, while keeping the corneal epithelium on: combining the efficiency of the standard procedure without the side effects of epithelial debridement. Further long-term studies are necessary to complete the evaluation of the efficacy and risk spectrum of this faster technique FINANCIAL INTEREST: NONE