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To evaluate postoperative astigmatism according to incision site
Poster Details
First Author: Y.Yilmaz TURKEY
Co Author(s): G. Kaya
Abstract Details
To evaluate the astigmatism outcomes after cataract surgery using temporal clear horizontal corneal incisions and süperior clear corneal incisions
Sultanbeyli State Hospital , Department of Ophthalmology
This retrospective study included a consecutive series of eyes having phacoemulsification with implantation of a 6.0 mm foldable silicone intraocular lens through a 3 mm horizontal clear corneal incision at 180 degrees and süperior incision . Astigmatism was measured by keratometry readings before surgery and 4weeks and 6 months postoperatively
The mean preoperative astigmatism in the 72 eyes (37performed by temporal incision, 35 performed by süperior incision) of 62 patients was 0.81 diopter (D); 61.1% of eyes had against-the-rule (ATR) astigmatism, 20.8% had with-the-rule (WTR) astigmatism, and 16.1% were astigmatically neutral. A significant shift toward WTR astigmatism occurred postoperatively. At 4 weeks, 52.6% of eyes had WTR astigmatism and 21.7% had ATR astigmatism. At 6 months, 41.6% had WTR astigmatism and 27.1% had ATR astigmatism. Vector analysis revealed a mean surgically induced astigmatism (SIA) of 1.11 D at 4 weeks and 1.02 D at 6 months. The side of the incision significantly affected SIA. At 4 weeks, temporal incisions yielded a mean SIA of 0.68 D and the süperior incisions, of 1.55 D. This trend in SIA persisted at 6 months: 0.66 D for temporal incisions and 1.38 D for süperior incisions.
Phaco method with cataract surgery using a horizontal clear corneal incision induced WTR astigmatism 4 weeks and 6 months postoperatively. Temporal incisions induced significantly less astigmatism than süperior incisions. FINANCIAL INTEREST: NONE