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Results of toric intraocular lens for post-keratoplasty astigmatism
Poster Details
First Author: T.Painhas PORTUGAL
Co Author(s): R. Almeida S. Gonçalves J. Salgado-Borges J. Chibante-Pedro
Abstract Details
To determine the efficacy of toric lens implantation to correct astigmatism in patients with post-keratoplasty corneal astigmatism and coexistent cataract. Phacoemulsification with implantation of foldable toric intraocular lens (IOL) has become the preferred management option in patients with high corneal astigmatism and coexistent cataract. Various studies have shown the postoperative rotational stability of the AcrySof toric IOLs.
Ophthalmology Department of Centro Hospitalar de entre o Douro e Vouga
A total of 8 eyes of 8 patients with moderate to high astigmatism due to post penetrating keratoplasty and with significant cataract, underwent phacoemulsification and implantation of a toric IOL (AcrySof® IQ Toric). Preoperatively, best spectacle-corrected visual acuity, biometry and refractive data were recorded after the surgery and subsequent evaluation was performed after surgery. All patients had a miniumum follow up of 1 year. Before the operation the horizontal axis and steep meridian of the cornea was marked with the patient seated to allow for cyclotorsion on lying on the operating table. We used the eletronic toric axis marker ASICO one step. The axis of the IOL is then adjusted during surgery to align with the steep corneal meridian.
The mean ± standard deviation of the preoperative refractive cylinder was -4.80+/-2.14 diopters which was reduced to -1.15 +/-1.34 diopters after surgery. There was no loss of best-corrected visual acuity and there was a gain of at least 2 lines in 50% of eyes. Post-operative care is no different from routine care after cataract surgery except that the axis rotation of the IOL is documented. The AcrySof toric IOL demonstrated no significant rotation during the long-term follow-up period of over a year.
Toric IOL provides an effective management option for the correction of post-keratoplasty high astigmatism and cataract. In our group no serious complication or refractive shift occurred at 1-year post surgery follow-up. FINANCIAL INTEREST: NONE