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Cataract surgery outcome in retinitis pigmentosa patients
Poster Details
First Author: M.Hawlina SLOVENIA
Co Author(s): M. Jarc Vidmar P. Schollmayer M. Hawlina
Abstract Details
To evaluate the outcome of cataract surgery in retinitis pigmentosa (RP) patients
Eye Hospital, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Slovenia
Retrospective study included 58 eyes of 41 patients (52 % male) with retinitis pigmentosa who underwent cataract surgery performed by a single surgeon in the period of 10 years at University Eye Hospital Ljubljana, Slovenia. Thirty-four eyes (23 patients) with sufficient data were included in evaluation of postoperative outcome. Snellen visual acuities (VA) before surgery, within 3 months after and approximately 3 years after surgery were analyzed. Fundus autofluorescence (FAF) patterns were categorized as hyperautofluorescent ring (13 eyes, 38 %) and patch or atrophy (15 eyes, 44 %). There were 7 patients with dominant, 12 with recessive (including Usher syndrome) and 6 with sporadic RP.
Cataract surgery was performed at average age of 53 ± 13 years. Intracapsular ring was used in 9/58 eyes (16 %) due to weak zonulae. During follow up new occurrence of CME was noted in three eyes (8 %). Posterior capsular opacification (PCO) developed in 19 eyes and was treated with YAG laser capsulotomy in 16 (47 %) eyes. Average VA before surgery, within 3 months after and approximately 3 years after surgery was 0,3, 0,4 and 0,4, respectively. Improvement of VA was in average of 0,14 (range: -0,10 - 0,60). It was greater in patients with dominant RP (0,24 ± 0,21) than in patients with recessive (0,05 ± 0,13; p < 0.05) or sporadic RP (0,12 ± 0,29; p > 0.05). Improvement was not associated with pre-operative visual acuity or FAF pattern.
Snellen visual acuity after cataract operation improved in average of 0,1 (range: -0,10 - 0,60) and remained stable on follow-up. PCO requiring YAG was frequent (47%). New occurrence of CME was low (8%). Weak zonules were relatively common and required CTR implantation in 16%. Better outcome was observed in patients with dominant RP. FINANCIAL INTEREST: NONE