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Application of toric IOLs in surgical treatment of complicated cataract
Poster Details
First Author: T.Efremova RUSSIA
Co Author(s): D. Benta
Abstract Details
to evaluate advisability of toric IOLs implantation in surgical treatment of complicated cataracts
The S.N. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution, Volgograd branch
there were studied 90 cases (90 eyes) of toric IOLs implantation (Acrysof, Alcon) in mono- and multifocal design. Preoperative examination revealed 84 cases of refractive amblyopia, 3 cases of keratoconus, 4 cases of pupil ectopia. In 13 cases toric IOL was inserted in pediatric patients. Preoperative astigmatism according to findings of keratometry varied in a range from 1,25 D to 6,25 D, refraction differential in central optical zone didn't exceed 1,5 D, noncorrected visual acuity equaled 0,02-0,2. In all the cases phacoemulsification was performed by standard technique with tunnel corneal incision of 2,2 mm. Special attention was paid to corneal marking.
follow-up period in all the patients was 6-12 months. Cylindrical component according to postoperative refractometry equaled 0,25-1,25 D. Keratometric findings fluctuated within ± 0,25 D from the initial values. NCVA amounted to 0,4-0,9 and remained stable throughout the follow-up period. All the patients were totally satisfied with surgical outcome.
implantation of toric Acrysof IOL's in eyes with clinically significant astigmatism values provides excellent refractive and functional results, confirmed by refractometry and may be considered as a method of choice in aphakia correction in all age cohorts in eyes with refractive amblyopia and astigmatism, including cases of irregular astigmatism and pupil ectopia. FINANCIAL INTEREST: NONE