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Effect of corneal white-to-white diameter and central corneal thickness on surgical-induced astigmatism of the total corneal power after cataract surgery
Poster Details
First Author: M.Kynigopoulos SWITZERLAND
Co Author(s): M. Müller
Abstract Details
Total corneal power (TCP) describes the total corneal astigmatism with inclusion of the posterior corneal surface and corneal thickness. Aim of the study was to analyse the effect of the horizontal white-to-white (WTW) diameter and central corneal thickness (CCT) on the surgical induced astigmatism (SIA) of the TCP after cataract surgery.
Department of Ophthalmology, Clinic Pallas, Zurich
Prospective observational study. 41 eyes of 30 patients (70.3 ± 8.1 years) after uneventful cataract surgery, through a 2.4mm clear corneal temporal incision, were measured preoperatively and one month postoperatively with Scheimpflugcamera (Pentacam, Oculus). WTW, CCT and TCP were analysed and SIA was calculated with vector analysis.
SIA-TCP was 0.48 ± 0.3 dpt and showed a statistical significant negative correlation to WTW (p = 0.013, correlation coefficient = -0.383), whilst CCT was not significantly correlated (p = 0.24, correlation coefficient = 0.185).
Horizontal WTW diameter seems to have a significant effect on SIA of the total corneal power after cataract surgery, with smaller corneal diameters demonstrating a higher SIA then larger ones. Central corneal thickness seems not to have an influence on SIA. FINANCIAL INTEREST: NONE