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Rotational stability of 3 premium foldable toric IOLs in different grades of cataract
Poster Details
First Author: A.Heda INDIA
Co Author(s): A. Braganza V. Kharbanda R. Shetty B. Shetty
Abstract Details
To assess the post operative rotational stability of 3 premium Toric foldable IOLs in different grades of cataract assuming that larger capsular bags would influence rotation.
Tertiary Eye Care Center and Teaching Institute, South India
We included 52 eyes of 47 patients who underwent uncomplicated cataract surgery with Toric IOLs implantation. Preoperative examination incuded Pentacam for corneal topography, IOL master and manual keratometry for preoperative corneal astigmatism, biomicroscopy to examine the anterior chamber and grade of cataract ( LOC classification ) , IOP , detailed fundus examination and A scan ultrasonography .Manual keratometry was used to calculate the Toric IOL power. Patients were examined at one day, one week, one month and six months post operatively. At the final visit ( 6 months) the orientation of the toric axis was compared to the original axis of placement . The degree of rotation for all cases was noted and was compared to the grade of the cataract for the same patients.
Average age of the patients was 65.6 yrs+/-11.09. The BCVA of all the patients was 20/20 N6 at the final visit. The average degree of rotation of the toric axis from the original placement was 4.5 degrees. We used the spearman correlation coefficient to test for any significant relationship between the grade of the cataract and amount of rotation of toric axis.The coefficient of correlation was 0.101 which was not significant (P= 0.469) proving that at least in our series there was no relationship between grades of cataract and degree of rotation of Toric IOL post operatively.
In the 52 eyes analyzed by us in this study we did not find any positive correlation between the grades of the cataract and rotational stability of Toric intraocular IOLs FINANCIAL INTEREST: NONE