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Analysis of cataract surgery wound using anterior segment optical coherent tomography
Poster Details
First Author: A.Deka INDIA
Co Author(s):
Abstract Details
To study the morphological characteristics of post operative incision by anterior segment optical coherent tomography.
Bawri Nethralaya
One hundred five eyes of 100 patients with age-related cataract (grades 3 to 5) were categorized according to the Lens Opacities Classification System III. Eligible subjects were randomly assigned to 3 surgical groups. In group A, 35 surgeries were performed with small incision cataract surgery (SICS) technique and in group B & C, 35 cases each were operated by bimanual phacoemulsification technique using clear corneal 2.2-mm calibrated and non calibrated keratome respectively. Intraocular pressure was measured postoperatively by non contact tonometer. Pre and post operative endothelial cells count was compared. Anterior segment optical coherence tomography evaluation was performed preoperatively and postoperatively on 1st day, alternate 2 days till 2nd weeks and alternate 4 days till 4th weeks.
There was no significant difference in central corneal thickness and endothelial cells count. In hard cataract phacoemulsification, micro incisions increase the risk of endothelial gaping in the early postoperative period, compared to small incisions. Incisional corneal thickness (ICT) was more in group B and C in harder cataract. Length of incision was uniform in group B compare to group C (p=0.003). Wound gaping at the internal aspect of the corneal wound was observed in 37 eyes on 1st post operative day. 48% of cases with wound gapping were tended to have lower 1st post operative IOP. Descemet's membrane detachment (DMD) was observed in 2cases in group A, 7 and 10 cases in group B and C respectively. There were statistically significant differences of incision healing in group A compared to group B &C. Healing of incision wound of group A required 22±9 days and 10±4 days in other two groups. However, wound construction was better and healing was faster in group B.
Wound healing is mostly depended on size and configuration of the incision. Smaller the size and smoother the configuration, faster is the healing. FINANCIAL INTEREST: NONE