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Can we predict patients' cooperation during phacoemulsification surgery under topical anesthesia?
Poster Details
First Author: A.Medghalchi IRAN
Co Author(s): M. Mohammadi A. Heirati R. Soltani Moghaddam
Abstract Details
To evaluate the determining factors that can be used for predicting patients' cooperation during phacoemulsification surgery under topical anesthesia.
To evaluate the determining factors that can be used for predicting patients' cooperation during phacoemulsification surgery under topical anesthesia.
We conducted a cross sectional prospective, observational study on 160 consecutive patient with cataract that were candidate for phacoemulsification surgery during a 1-year period. Patients' demographic data including sex, age, place of residency ,education and physical examination ( visual acuity, reaction to eye drop , cooperation during tonometry and reaction to press on lacrimal sac and cooperation during surgery ) were collected from the patients' records. The data were analyzed by SPSS version 19 for evaluation multiple relation between variables of the study with patient cooperation.
103 subjects were operated under topical anesthesia with good and satisfactory cooperation. Also 57 subjects were in failure group were operated under local or topical anesthesia with poor cooperation .Statistical analysis demonstrated that there is no correlation between cooperation during surgery with sex, age, place of residency and education(p value>0.05 ) but there is statistical significant relation between reaction to eye drop , cooperation during tonometry and reaction to press on lacrimal sac and cooperative during surgery(p value<0.5) .
This study showed that some factors such as low visual acuity , patients' reaction to eye drop , cooperation during tonometry and reaction to press on lacrimal sac can be help full for predicting patients' cooperation during phacoemulsification surgery under topical anesthesia .On the other hand ,some others such as good and satisfactory visual acuity , patients' demographic factors and reaction to press on lacrimal sac ,can not be helpful . FINANCIAL INTEREST: NONE