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Presented Poster Session: Glaucoma I
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Sunday 15 September 2019 | Session Time: 09:30-11:00
Venue: Poster Village: Pod 3- 09:30
- Effect of topical glaucoma medication on tear lipid layer thickness in patients with unilateral glaucoma
Presenting Author: J.Kwon SOUTH KOREA - 09:35
- Comparative outcomes of ab interno canaloplasty vs trabeculectomy in uncontrolled open-angle glaucoma
Presenting Author: J.Izquierdo PERU - 09:40
- Efficacy and safety of micropulse cyclophotocoagulation for patients with ocular hypertension and glaucoma
Presenting Author: Q.Kaba UK - 09:45
- Correcting applanation tonometer surface prism accuracy and correlation to biomechanical errors: a multicentre randomised clinical trial
Presenting Author: S.McCafferty USA - 09:50
- Early results of phacoemulsification combined with micropulse cyclodiode laser in patients with glaucoma: efficacy and safety
Presenting Author: A.Daas UK - 09:55
- Evaluation of some ocular surface characteristics before and after trabeculectomy
Presenting Author: A.Antonova RUSSIA - 10:00
- Levels of cytokines and growth factors in the aqueous humour of eyes with developed stage of primary open-angle glaucoma and cataract
Presenting Author: O.Ermakova RUSSIA - 10:05
- Predictability of intraocular lens power calculation after Ahmed valve implantation
Presenting Author: D.Belov RUSSIA - 10:10
- Relationship of glaucoma severity and medical treatment compliance with depression
Presenting Author: J.Gamiochipi Arjona MEXICO - 10:15
- Comparison of surgical outcomes of sponge-applied vs subconjunctival injection of mitomycin C during combined phacoemulsification and trabeculectomy surgery in Asian eyes
Presenting Author: X.Guo SINGAPORE - 10:20
- Sustained IOP and medication reduction after MIGS with second-generation trabecular bypass stents in OAG: 48-month outcomes
Presenting Author: F.Aptel FRANCE - 10:25
- The effect of nasal steroid injection for nasal polyp on intraocular pressure
Presenting Author: C.Lee SOUTH KOREA - 10:30
- 900-case experience of star-shaped trabeculectomy
Presenting Author: Y.Elsayed EGYPT - 10:35
- A budget-impact analysis of the iStent inject® trabecular micro-bypass system vs trabeculectomy for the treatment of glaucoma from a German payer perspective
Presenting Author: H.Falvey USA - 10:40
- A comparative study between two perimeters of imo 30-2 and HFA 30-2, SITA–Standard in glaucomatous eyes
Presenting Author: Y.Nakai JAPAN - 10:45
- A study on outcome of second-generation iStent inject micro-bypass with cataract surgery
Presenting Author: K.Suleiman UK - 10:50
- Biomechanics of the corneoscleral shell and hemodynamics of the glaucomatous eye: is there a connection?
Presenting Author: D.Khoziev RUSSIA - 10:55
- Biomicroscopic and anterior segment OCT findings in filtration blebs of XEN45 implant in the remodelling phase
Presenting Author: M.Castany SPAIN