Comparative evaluation of refractive outcomes after implantation of two types of intraocular lenses with different diopter intervals (0.25 diopter vs 0.50 diopter)
Poster Details
First Author: E.Kim SOUTH KOREA
Co Author(s): M. Kim S. Choi B. Lee Y. Eom S. Kang H. Kim
Abstract Details
To compare the accuracy of refractive outcome of the implantation of intraocular lenses (IOLs) with different diopter (D) intervals after cataract surgery.
Korea University College of Medicine, Seoul, South Korea
Forty patients underwent uncomplicated phacoemulsification with implantation of a 0.50 D interval Akreos AO (Bausch & Lomb, Rochester, NY; 40 eyes) IOL in one eye and a 0.25 D interval Softec HD™ (Lenstec Inc., St. Petersburg, FL; 40 eyes) IOL in the other eye. The refractive prediction error of the IOL with a standard deviation (SD) of ±0.40 D was compared with that of the IOL with a SD of ±0.11 D through Monte Carlo simulations. The percentages of eyes that achieved a postoperative refractive prediction error within ±0.50 D or ±0.25 D at one month after surgery were compared.
In clinical study, the percentage of eyes that achieved a postoperative refractive prediction error within ±0.50 D by the Haigis formula in the Softec HD™ group (85.0%) was significantly greater than that in the Akreos AO group (57.5%; P = 0.027). In Monte Carlo simulations, all percentages of eyes that achieved a postoperative refractive prediction error within ±0.25 D by the Haigis and SRK/T formulas in the Softec HD™ group were significantly greater than those in the Akreos AO group.
The IOL with a 0.25 D interval was more accurate than the IOL with a 0.50 D interval in predicting refractive outcome after cataract surgery.
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