Young Ophthalmologists Programme
Saturday 22 September | 08.30 – 16.00
Starting Phaco | Including 'Learning from the Learners'
(video cases submitted by young ophthalmologists)
Chairpersons: O. Findl AUSTRIA, S. Morselli ITALY, K. Vannas FINLAND

- 08.30
- P. Rosen UK Preparing for the first operation
- 08.45
- N. Hirnschall AUSTRIABiometry: what you need to know
- 09.00–10.30
Discussants: R. Packard UK, N. Reus THE NETHERLANDS,
P. Rosen UK - 09.00
- B. Strong IRELANDIntroduction to ESCRS iLearn
- 09.05
- R. Packard UKIncisions, OVD
Video Authors: A. Celebi TURKEY, S. Elferink THE NETHERLANDS - 09.45
- N. Reus THE NETHERLANDSCapsulorhexis, hydrodissection
Video Authors: S. Banerjee INDIA, A. Jayarathna SRI LANKA,
D. Rascevskis LATVIA, A. Youssef TUNISIA - 10.30 – 12.40
Discussants: L. Benjamin UK, F. Ribeiro PORTUGAL - 10.30
- O. Findl AUSTRIA Phacoemulsification I: getting a crack
Video Authors: P. Agarwal UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, S. Balendra UK, N. Refaat EGYPT ,
S. Sadiq PAKISTAN, R. Sarosh INDIA, A. Shinton UK, F. Stefanon ITALY, - 11.15
- L. Benjamin UKPhacoemulsification II
Video Authors: A. Davidson UK, S. Whitlow IRELAND - 11.55
- F. Ribeiro PORTUGAL Intraocular lenses: tricks
Video Authors: R. Chaudhary INDIA, N. Gandhi INDIA - 12.40
- Break
- 14.10 – 16.00
Discussants: B. Malyugin RUSSIA, P. Rosen UK - 14.10
- M. Dickman THE NETHERLANDSUsing EUREQUO for documentation and audit
- 14.25
- B. Malyugin RUSSIASmall Pupil / floppy Iris
Video Authors: R. Chaudhary INDIA, Z. Khatib INDIA - 15.10
- P. Rosen UK Managing the torn posterior capsule and the dropped nucleus
Video Authors: A. Narang INDIA, H. Vannadil INDIA - 16.00
- End of session