Vertical gas breakthrough in epithelial folds during LASIK treatment
Poster Details
First Author: M.Ayoubi UK
Co Author(s): J. Masood S. Nowak
Abstract Details
to Describe a rare intra-operative complication of vertical gas breakthrough due to epithelial folds during Ducking stage in intralase Lasik treatment .
Optimax Laser Clinics UK
We observe and report four cases of four eyes of Vertical gas breakthrough during intralase Lasik due to epithelial folds and wrinkles during the Ducking stage of intralase treatment .
these all four eyes were in males aged between 54 to 60 years old , pre lasik eye examination did not find any corneal or epithelial pathology in all these 4 eyes ,
In 3 eyes the vertical break through was limited to 2X2 mm size at the peripheral side of the flaps , lifting the flaps were difficult at these areas and produced peripheral but small button hole , however laser ablation was completed and all these eyes obtained 20/20 vision next day without any complications .
in one eye the epithelial folds were central and large at 3X4 mm, which gave large central vertical gas breakthrough, flap was not lifted and Lasek treatment was performed , patient obtained 20/20 vision one week after Lasek without complications
Epithelial folds and wrinkles during Ducking stage of intralase may produce Vertical gas breakthrough , which can be small and peripheral so Lasik can be completed without complications , or can be central and large so flap should not be lifted and treatment should be changed to Lasek.
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