Analysis of optic nerve perfusion using angio-OCT in glaucoma
Poster Details
First Author: A.Hervas Ontiveros SPAIN
Co Author(s): S. Garcia-Delpech R. Diaz Cespedes P. Udaondo E. Sanz A. Navarro D. Salom W. Furlan
Abstract Details
To compare optic disc perfusion between normal subjects and subjects with glaucoma (mild, moderate, severe) using optical coherence tomography (OCT) angiography and to detect optic disc perfusion changes in glaucoma.
The study was done at AIKEN clinic in Valencia (Spain) and in Hospital of Manises (Spain, Valencia)
We studied 35 eyes of 20 patients (10 with glaucoma and 10 healthy controls) using Angio-OCT (AngioVue, Imex and Triton, Topcon).
The total density of vessels by OCT-A (ONH) and the density of temporal vessels in the optic disc have been observed in both groups. Clinical data and evaluation of the spectral domain OCT (RNFL: thickness of the retinal nerve fiber layer, GCC: ganglion cell complex) were also evaluated.
In normal discs, a dense microvascular network was visible in angio-OCT, whereas this network was attenuated in all subjects with glaucoma. In the glaucoma group, the density of the total and temporal ONH vessels was reduced by 25% and 22% respectively, compared to the control group. Significant correlations were found between the total vascular density ONH and temporal density measured by OCT-A, the thickness of the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL), the ganglion cell layer (GCC) and the clinical parameters.
Through angio-OCT, repeated measurements of the optic disc perfusion can be useful in the evaluation of glaucoma and its progression. More clinical investigations are necessary to confirm these promising results.
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