Closure of cataract incision using mussel protein-based bioadhesive
Poster Details
First Author: M.Kim SOUTH KOREA
Co Author(s): J. Lee H. Kim H. Cha
Abstract Details
To evaluate whether a mussel protein-based bioadhesive help a cataract incision be watertight
Department of Ophthalmology, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center1
Department of Chemical Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology2
An infusion cannula was placed to maintain constant eye pressure. Clear corneal incisions were simulated in 9 porcine eyes. In 3 eyes, fibrin tissue adhesive was applied to the incision. In 3 eyes, mussel protein-based bioadhesive was applied to the wound site. The other 3 eyes were controls with no adhesive. Each eye was tested under low pressure conditions to detect fluid ingress of Lissamine green on the eye’s surface. As the height of the infusion bottle was gradually increased, the height at which the fluid leakage was observed was recorded.
In the eyes without adhesive, we could observe the incision distortion and ingress of Lissamine green, at a 9 cm height (low pressure). In the eyes with fibrin tissue adhesive and mussel protein based bioadhesive, there was no engress of fluid under low pressure conditions. In fibrin tissue adhesive cases, we could observe the leakage at the incision site at the mean height of 76.33 cm. In mussel protein-based bioadhesive cases, there was a leak at the mean height of 116.0 cm.
Applying a mussel protein-based bioadhesive to cataract incision site could make a watertight seal that can withstand high pressures.
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