Corneal tattoo from animal to human
Poster Details
First Author: N.Abdelhaliem EGYPT
Co Author(s): A. Alsmman
Abstract Details
To compare the Safety and efficacy of corneal Tattoo by China painting ink and progress from animal search to human application.
Sohag University
Corneas of 10 rabbits and 50 human eyes were injected by Rottring China painting ink , the rabbits corneas were histologically examined and human eyes were clinically followed up.
In rabbit corneas the stain was stable in color and distribution with no major complications. Histological results of the stained rabbit corneas showed blackish pigmentation in the corneal stroma without any inflammatory cellular infiltration. Some fibroblast cells had pigment granules in their cytoplasm in the adjacent layers. in human eyes the Rotring painting ink was safe stable in colour with no faiding in the follow up period however insufficient staining with restaining was required in some patients
Corneal staining by China painting ink is an effective and safe method in staining corneas with longer follow-up period is advisable.
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