Analysis of the results of extended-depth-of-focus IOL implantation
Poster Details
First Author: B.Dzhashi RUSSIA
Co Author(s): Y. Serkov A. Schava A. Marukhnenko
Abstract Details
To analise of the resalts of extended depth of focus IOLs implantation.
Federal State Autonomous Institution "S.N. Fedorov National Medical Research Center "MNTK "Eye Microsurgery" of the Ministry of Health of the Russia, Volgograd
140 patiants (200 eyes) with immature cataract who underwent phacoemulsification with IOL LENTIS COMFORT implantation were examined. Two study groups were identified. 1 group - monocular implantation of the LENTIS COMFORT with calculation for emmetropic refraction (80 patients,80 eyes), 2 group-binocular implantation with calculation for emmetropia in one eye and calculation for low myopic refraction (-0.5D) on the pair eye to achieve mini-monovision (60 patients,120 eyes). All surgeries were uneventful. Follow-up period: 6 month.
In patients of both groups with the calculation for emmetropy on the next day after the operation UCDVA was 0.94 ± 0.037, UCNVA 0.25 ± 0.045. Subjective assessment of the operation results: 4.7 points on a five-point scale. In cases of the second group where the calculation for myopic refraction was made UCDVA = 0.75 ± 0.02, CDVA = 0.96 ± 0.03, UCNVA = 0.4 ± 0.02. Subjective assessment: 4.9 points.Vision at an average distance (computer monitor screen, car dashboard) was evaluated by all patients as "good" and "excellent" and did not require additional correction.
IOL LENTIS COMFORT positioned as an IOL with an extended depthof focus IOL meets the declared characteristic and shows high refractive and functional results when implanted both monocularly and binocularly. Binocular implantation with various refraction of the target allows to achieve mini-monovision and high visual acuity at different distances, excluding anisometropia.
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