Cataract quantification using swept-source-based optical coherence tomography
Session Details
Session Title: Anterior Segment Imaging I
Session Date/Time: Monday 24/09/2018 | 16:30-18:00
Paper Time: 16:42
Venue: Room A4
First Author: : R.Varsits AUSTRIA
Co Author(s): : N. Hirnschall O. Findl
Abstract Details
Quantification of different types of cataracts using swept source based optical coherence tomography (ssOCT) technique and comparison with other imaging techniques, as well as contrast sensitivity tests and visual acuity test.
Vienna Institute for Research in Ocular Surgery (VIROS), Department of Ophthalmology, Hanusch Hospital, Vienna
This study included patients who were scheduled for cataract surgery. All patients had the following imaging/measurements: ssOCT (IOLMaster 700, Carl Zeiss Meditec AG, Germany), Scheimpflug (Sirius, CSO, Italy), contrast sensitivity (Optec Vision Screener, Stereo Optical, USA) and visual acuity ( ETDRS, Precision Vision, USA). Furthermore, the cataract was quantified using LOCS III grading and the symptoms were assessed using the CatQuest 9SF questionnaire.
In total, 60 eyes of 60 patients were included in this study. Preliminary results show that the relationship between Scheimpflug measurements and contrast sensitivity tests or visual acuity tests is low. The quantification using ssOCT and the match of multiple test procedures will be presented.
SsOCT measurements are an additive method for quantifying and documenting a cataract. However, a detailed history of the symptoms remains the most important aspect for indication for surgery.
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