Slit lamp protractor: refinement of existing slit lamp toric scale
Poster Details
First Author: A.Pujari INDIA
Co Author(s): J. Urkude R. Singh R. Mukhija N. Sharma
Abstract Details
To describe a simple technique to modify the existing five degree scale on the slit lamp (Haag Streit) protractor to a single degree scale.
Tertiary eye hospital, Dr. Rajendra Prasad centre for Ophthalmic sciences, AIIMS, NEW DELHI. INDIA.
A 180 degrees’ plastic protractor containing defined markings at each degree was considered. The inner portion of the protractor was edged out and the margin was fitted with plastic tape so as to achieve an optimal adhesion with the slit lamp attachments.(Model IM 900, Haag Streit, Bern, Switzerland).
In the second exercise, we placed a sharp needle pointer within the existing steel rod just above the protractor. The very fine tip of the needle is now able to point at each degree as well as in between with great accuracy.
The accuracy was assessed by placing a protractor in front of the slit lamp at the level of patient's eye. First observer projected a slit light at a particular angle and the second observer predicted the angulation by observing the needle alignment uniocularly. Out of ten such observations, eight observations were 100% accurate and two observations were one degrees on either side of the projected values.
The slit lamp toric scale was upgraded to a full-width protractor scale containing markings in each degrees using a simple and inexpensive method.
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