Early experience with new TECNIS Eyhance monofocal intraocular lens in eyes with co-existing pathologies
Poster Details
First Author: M.Nanavaty UK
Co Author(s): C. Holmes S. Borkum
Abstract Details
To evaluate early experience with new Tecnis Eyhance monofocal intraocular lens (IOL) in eyes with co-existing pathologies.
Sussex Eye Hospital, Brighton & Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust, Brighton, United Kingdom.
This was an observational study of first 10 consecutive patients undergoing new Eyhance IOL. The only exclusion criterion was an expected postoperative distance visual potential of less than 20/40. At one-month, assessments included: LogMAR uncorrected (UCDVA) and best-correct distance visual acuity (BCDVA), distance-corrected intermediate visual acuity (DCIVA) at 60cms, manifest refraction, defocus curve (-3.0D to +1.5D), Likert scale questionnaire for glare & halos (1=all the time; 2=only in certain lighting conditions; 3=occasionally not depending on lighting condition; 4=none at all) and visual satisfaction (1=not satisfied at all; 2=somewhat satisfied; 3=satisfied; 4=very satisfied). Only first eye of each patient was included.
Co-existing pathologies were: corneal astigmatism needing incision correction (n=1), previous macula-on retinal detachment (n=2), previous trauma with irregular pupil (n=1) and mild corneal guttate (n=1). Mean LogMAR (Snellen equivalent) UCDVA, BCDVA and DCIVA were 0.22+/-0.13 (20/30), 0.07+/-0.13 (20/20) and 0.49+/-0.11 (20/60) respectively. Mean spherical equivalent was -0.04+/-0.21 diopters. Defocus curve visual acuities were 0.84+/-0.11(20/130), 0.76+/-0.08 (20/110), 0.64+/-0.12 (20/90), 0.45+/-0.09 (20/50), 0.32+/-0.14 (20/40), 0.14+/-0.12 (20/25), 0.07+/-0.09 (20/20), 0.0+/-0.15 (20/30), 0.32+/-0.11 (20/40) and 0.55+/-0.14 (20/70) after -3.0, -2.5, -2, -1.5, -1, -0.5, 0, +0.5, +1.0, +1.5Diopters add respectively. Likert Scale for glare, halos and visual satisfaction were 2.44+/-1.01, 3.99+/-0.33 & 3.99+/-0.33 respectively.
The new Tecnis Eyhance IOL performs better for intermediate vision even in eyes with co-existing pathologies with good overall patient satisfaction.
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