About a dependence of retina luminosity and depth of eye sharpness on the artificial lens position: theoretical rationale
Poster Details
First Author: S.Kuznetsov RUSSIA
Co Author(s): V. Evstifeev
Abstract Details
Analysis of the influence of IOL position in the eye on parameters of retina luminosity and depth of eye sharpness.
¹Department of Ophthalmology, Penza Institute for Further Training of Physicians – Branch Campus of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Further Professional Education «Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education» of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, Penza, Russian Federation.
²The Penza State University, Penza, Russian Federation.
The effect of changing of the IOL position in the eye (as an optical system) on changes in the values of physical parameters of retina luminosity and depth of eye sharpness was studied by the method of mathematical modeling and on the basis of the laws of geometrical optics.
The retina luminosity and the depth of eye sharpness were evaluated depending on the movement of the IOL in the sagittal direction from the extreme forward position (anterior leaf of the native capsular bag, CB) to the extreme posterior position (posterior leaf of the native CB). It was determined that as the IOL moves away from the apex of the cornea and approaches the retina, its luminosity, depending on the diameter of the pupil, increases from 1.60 times (in
medium illumination conditions) to 2.31 times (in twilight conditions) and the depth of eye sharpness has an increase of 1.21 times.
The position of the IOL in the CB significantly influences the retina luminosity and the depth of eye sharpness. As the IOL in the CB (moves
away) approaches to the retina, the luminosity increases, especially in twilight conditions and the depth of eye sharpness increases too. According it is a reasonable reserve for an improvement of the investigated parameters of the eye. Taking into account the obtained results, we can assume with definite certainty that contrast sensitivity, depending on the parameters of luminosity and depth of eye sharpness, should also increase, which should positively influence the quality of vision.
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