ADL: anti-dysphotopsia intraocular lens
Poster Details
First Author: J.Kasireddy INDIA
Co Author(s):
Abstract Details
: Dysphotopsia after cataract surgery is one of the commonest complaint and reason for dissatisfaction after successful surgery. It can be negative dysphotopsia, Positive dysphotopsia, stray light and loss of temporal field of vision. Till date the only available IOL to address dysphotopsia is Morcher 90S designed by Dr Samual Masket MD. This IOl is a complex design and femto laser looks necessary for its precise placement. We tried to address this dysphotopsia problem with new design intraocular lens that can give more natural vision and full field of view and simple to implant after Phcaoemusification.
Sankara Academy of vision, Sankara eye Hospital Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
The root cause of dysphotopsia is identified by literature review and ray tracing drawings. After a detailed discussions of literature and the ray tracing drawings, consensus is reached that the space between the IOL and the iris (pupil margin)is the most likely the culprit. The second possible reason is identified as the square edge of the IOL optic, haptics and the optic size of IOL limited to 6 mm size. Posterior Capsular folds are identified as a cause for stray light. A novel new Inraocualr lens is designed to address these 6 issues.
The new design IOL is hyperbola shape like a contact lens with no junction between the optic and haptic, convexity facing anteriorly. The overall size is 9.5 mm.The optic is 6 mm and comes in contact with pupil margin after implantation in the capsular bag there by eliminating the space that light rays can pass through and produce dysphotopsia. There is no optic edge and the optic and haptic are continuous to eliminate the Arc like positive dysphoyopsia.The capsular bag is kept stretched by the round full circle 9.5 mm haptic edge to prevent folds and Maddox rod effect.
The new design IOL in tested by ray tracing drawings for dysphotosia and implanted in eye bank eyes for suitability of implantation. The size, curvature and anterior vault are adjusted to 9.5 mm , 8 mm haptic curvature and 1mm anterior vault as most suitable parameters. After IRB approval human implantation were done. The slit lamp findings, Pentacam images , and OCT findings conclude that the identified 6 reasons are eliminated by the new design IOL. The implantation of new design foldable IOL is very easy and does not require FALCS precision a prerequisite for Morcher 90S IOL.
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