Comparative analysis of ozonated and non-ozonated preloaded intraocular lenses on long-term visual acuity, contrast sensitivity outcomes and patient satisfaction
Poster Details
First Author: B.Kashyap INDIA
Co Author(s): B. Kashyap B. Kashyap N. Gajendragadkar
Abstract Details
The purpose of the study was to compare the long term Visual Acuity, Contrast Sensitivity outcomes and Patient Satisfaction in two different types of Preloaded IOLs: Ozonated and Non Ozonated Preloaded Intra Ocular Lens
This is non-randomised and comparative study which included 100 eyes of 50 patients at a Tertiary Eye Care Hospital, India
100 eyes of 50 patients were divided into two groups: Ozonated type Preloaded IOL systems (Gr-1) and Non Ozonated Type Preloaded IOL systems (Gr-2).
All surgeries were performed by a single experienced surgeon for approximately the same operating time. Any variance was removed from the list.
The main Outcomes were grades of Post-Op Best Corrected Visual Acuity, Contrast Sensitivity (CS) expressed as Modular Function in Photopic and Mesopic Conditions at 7, 90 days & 2 years, Glistening, Morphological objective Posterior Capsular Opacification estimation and need for YAG Capsulotomy at 2 years and patient satisfaction
Mean of BCVA in Gr-1 had comparable results with Gr-2 at 7 days(p=0.205) and at 90 days(p=0.481)
Non Significant decrease in BCVA in Gr-2 (0.93) at 2 years follow up as compared to Gr-1 (0.97), p=0.05,(-0.000 to 0.077)
CS decreased significantly in Gr-2 at 10 cpd (p=.000,-0.051 to -0.017) and at 15 cpd (p=0.025,-0.034 to -0.0023) in photopic condition and in Mesopic Condition at 10 cpd (p=0.004, 0.011 to 0.057) and at 15 cpd (p=0.003, 0.008 to 0.039) at 2 years
At 2 years, Glistening is significant p=0.00001. Need for Yag Capuslotomy was more in Gr-2 but statistical non-significant (p=0.648)
Both Ozonated and non ozonated preloaded IOL’s have comparable outcomes at 90 days but long term follow up of 2 years shows significantly less visual quality in non ozonated group due to significant glistening.
Glistening was reported to be more in the Non Ozonated Group and need for Yag Capuslotomy was more in Non ozonated group as compared to Ozonated Group but difference was not significant.
Patient satisfaction at long term follow up is significantly more in ozonated Preloaded IOL group.
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