The causes leading to unsafe vaults after V4c implantable collamer lens implantation
Poster Details
First Author: Q.Chen CHINA
Co Author(s): W. Tan
Abstract Details
To analyze the possible causes that might lead to unsafe vault (≤200um or ≥900um) of V4c intraocular lens (ICL).
Hankou Aier Eye Hospital, Wuhan, China
A retrospective study of central vault measured by anterior segment optical coherence tomographer (AS-OCT) one week after ICL implantation.The preoperative and postoperative data were collected to evaluate the possible causes leading to the unsafe vault.
Sixty-four eyes in total 554 eyes have unsafe vault (12.2%), 20 eyes (31.2%) had low vaults (≤200um) and 44 eyes (68.8%) had high vaults (≥900um). The reasons of high vaulting included anteriorly positioned ciliary body, thicker ciliary body, and unmatched sulcus-to-sulcus (STS) and white-to-white (WTW) distances. The causes leading to low vaulting included posteriorly positioned ciliary body, thinner ciliary body, and unmatched STS and WTW.
The main causes leading to abnormal vaulting include the position of the ciliary body, the thickness of the ciliary body, and unmatched STS and WTW. The analysis of UBM parameters of ciliary body before the ICL implantation is useful to achieve optimal lens vault.
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