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Chronic impact of alkali burn on Meibomian glands

Poster Details

First Author: O.Selver TURKEY

Co Author(s):    M. Palamar                    

Abstract Details


The purpose of the study was to determine the chronic impact of alkali burn on ocular surface and Meibomian glands (MG).


Ege University, Ophthalmology Department


Ten patients (9M, 1F) who had a history of unilateral alkali burn at least 12 months earlier and who have related unilateral limbal stem cell deficiency were included in to this cross-sectional study (10 alkali burn eyes (Group 1), 10 healthy eyes (Group 2)). All cases underwent a detailed ophthalmological examination including mean best corrected visual acuity (BCVA), ocular surface scoring (COASTL), Schirmer 1 test, tear-film break up time (T-BUT), assessment and evaluation of the MG using infrared filter of slit-lamp biomicroscope device. MG were graded from grade 0 to grade 3.


The mean age was 42.10±8.30 years. The mean duration between alkali burn and  evaluation was 121.60±159.78 months. The mean BCVA and ocular surface scores in Group 1 and 2 were 1.15±0.70; 7.40±2.01 and 0±0; 0±0, respectively (p<0.0001). The mean Schirmer and T-BUT results in Group 1 and 2 were 21.90±11.66; 13.40±11.70 and 21.20±8.43; 16.0±14.0 seconds, respectively (p=0.905; 0.483). The mean upper, lower and total eyelid meiboscores in Group 1 and 2 were 1.8 ±0.91; 0,60 ±0.84; 2.4 ±1.64 and 1,4 ±0.96; 0.20 ±0.42; 1.60 ±1.17, respectively (p=0.83; 0.018; 0.011).


Alkali burn of the ocular surface may have a direct effect on eyelid margin and cause MG orifice damage and meibum secretion impairment. Besides, alkali exposure may also directly damage the MG or may affect the gland through local inflammation. In this case series, it was demonstrated that the MG damage is statistically significant in lower eyelids. As a conclusion, detailed evaluation of the alterations in the MG following alkali burn needs further investigation.

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