OCT angiography of the macula in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma and normal tension glaucoma
Poster Details
First Author: A.Dastiridou GREECE
Co Author(s): M. Samouilidou P. Riga E. Anastasopoulos P. Brazitikos S. Androudi N. Ziakas
Abstract Details
To compare the macula vascularity characteristics in patients with primary open angle (POAG), normal tension (NTG) glaucoma and controls.
Cross-sectional study in an Academic Center
Patients with POAG and NTG from the Glaucoma Clinics were recruited. The control group comprised patients with mild cataracts or small refractive errors. OCT scanning of the macula and the disc and 6*6 HD macula OCT angiography imaging were performed with the RTVue XR Avanti with AngioVue software (OptoVue Ιnc). Retinal nerve fiber layer thickness (NFL), macula ganglion cell complex thickness (GCC) and macula vessel density (VD) were analysed.
Seventy-six POAG, 33 NTG and 61 normal eyes were analysed. NFL thickness was 80.19±15.02 in the POAG and 77.71±13.93 μm in the NTG group (p=0.65). GCC thickness was 81.55±15.16 μm and 79.19±15.04 respectively (p=0.59). VD was 40.82±6.61 in the POAG and 39.15±5.19 μm in the NTG group (p=0.15). There was a significant correlation between VD and both GCC and NFL (p<0.05). VD, NFL and GCC were lower in patients with POAG or NTG, compared to controls (all p<0.01).
Macula VD is affected in patients with open angle glaucoma. However, NTG and POAG eyes show similar characteristics on OCT angiography.
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