Superior conjunctival-limbal autograft (CLAU) in a patient with unilateral limbal insufficiency
Poster Details
First Author: E.Segovia Maldonado SPAIN
Co Author(s): P. Martí Rodrigo J. Armentia Pérez de Mendiola
Abstract Details
To present a clinical case of a patient with a history of penetrating keratoplasty who developed a superior sectoral limbic failure that affected the visual axis. Due to the poor evolution despite the medical treatment it was decided to perform a superior limbo-conjunctival autograft of the contralateral eye with an excellent result.
The limbar autotransplant was described in 1964 by doctors Barraquer and Strampelli and is considered the best option to restore the corneal phenotype in deficiencies of unilateral limbal stem cells, as it eliminates the possibility of rejection of the graft, in addition to having a better survival.
Clinic Case.
This is a patient previously operated of penetrating keratoplasty due to a postherpetic leukoma, who presented superior localized limbic failure that did not respond to medical treatment, with progression of limbic failure affecting the visual axis and the appearance of superior paracentral neovascular pannus.
Due to the possibility of developing a leukoma and to prevent pannus advancement and neovascularization, and as a measure to preserve the transparency of the transplant, it was decided to perform an conjunctival-limbar superior autotransplant with a good anatomical and functional result.
The autograft of limbus continues being the best option for deficiencies of unilateral limbal stem cells, in this case we present a superior conjunctival-limbar autotransplant with very good evolution. In addition, performing surgery quickly before the appearance of central neovascular membranes allows us to preserve the transparency of previous corneal transplantation.
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