Risk factors of advanced keratoconus in paediatric patients
Poster Details
First Author: G.Amri MOROCCO
Co Author(s): N. Benchekroun M. Belmekki
Abstract Details
keratoconus is a corneal disease characterized by corneal thinning that causes apical protrusion , irregular astigmatism and impaired vision .
Although the etiology remains unknown, many factors have been considered to contribute to the occurence or progression of the disease.
we present the cases of 16 childrens whose age less than 16 years old with advanced bilateral keratoconus , where at least one eye needed a corneal graft.
the most of patients are males , 100% have a chronic eye rubbing, 30,25% have a family history of keratoconus.
cylinder >10.0 diopters , and average keratometry >55 diopters
Pediatric keratoconus is more aggressive than adult keratoconus, which has been explained by structural differences in the cornea between both populations, eye rubbing is the most determinent risk factor. High rates of progression were documented in pediatric populations.
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