Scharioth macula lens: proper interlenticular space provides long-term safety in polypseudophakia
Poster Details
First Author: K.Habon GERMANY
Co Author(s): G. Scharioth
Abstract Details
To evaluate the safety of the Scharioth Macula Lens (SML) designed for patients with dry type age-related macular degeneration (AMD), in terms of the distance of the lens from the primary capsular bag intraocular lens (IOL).
Aurelios Augenzentrum Recklinghausen, Recklinghausen, Germany.
Twenty-two patients suffering from dry type AMD, previously undergone cataract surgery and SML implantation into the non-dominant eye thereafter were included in this retrospective evaluation. Measurements were performed with a minimum of 6 months after surgery. Corneal thickness (CCT), anterior chamber depth (AD), distance between the posterior corneal surface and the SML, axial length (AL), and the distance between the SML and the capsular bag IOL were recorded in each case.
An average distance of 0.52 ± 0.19 (mean ± SD) was measured between the SML and the capsular bag IOL. All other biometric values were also in the normal range. No correlation could be found between the axial length and the SML-IOL distance. Similarly, ACD did not influence the size of interlenticular space either. Contrary, a significant correlation (Pearson r=5841, r2=0.3411; p=0.0043) between the ACD and the posterior corneal surface-SML distance could be observed.
Based on our investigation, SML-implantation seems to be safe and feasible in eyes with average size, as the position of the SML lens leaves the posterior iris surface intact, and the risk of interlenticular opacification is also negligible due to the sufficient space between the surfaces of the two IOLs. The possible effect of the type and power of the primary IOL on interlenticular distance however requires further investigation with the inclusion of more patients.
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