Our experience in prognosis of cataract surgery in patient with age-related macular degeneration and diabetic maculopathy
Poster Details
First Author: B.Milojko Scepovic MONTENEGRO
Co Author(s): D. Djurovic Raonic
Abstract Details
cataract surgery is, of course, the most common eye surgery and most patients are expected to have good visual acuity as a result. Except, however, for the cataract patients with additional changes on retina, who apparently will not have good or better visual acuity post surgery.
The aim of this case study is to analyze visual acuity post cataract surgery in patients with diabetic maculopathy and with AMD Age-Related Macular Degeneration and try to get better prognosis by using retinometer principle.
We had 2 groups of patients with different types of cataract end with changes in macula lutea: first by diabetic maculopathy and second by AMD. All of them had undergone standard ophthalmological examinations including retinometer and OCT. The first, diabetic, group consisted of 12 patients , and the second, AMD group, consisted of 21 patients. 3 patients with AMD had a retinometer readings 20/150, 13 patient had 20/60, and 5 patient had -20/40. Patients with diabetic maculopathy, 8 of them had readings 20/150 , and only 4 had - 20/60.
in AMD group patients with expected VA around o,1 had same, and patients with 20/60 and 20/40 had better VA for 1-2 lines. In diabetic group: 3 patients 20/150 before operation VA after cataract surgery were 0,3. Five patients had same VA. Diabetic group with 20/60 had worse VA than we expected.
: Retinometry gave excellent (100%) prognosis for patients with AMD , and VA better is in patients with results more than 20/40 by retinometer ,before cataract surgery. For patient with diabetic maculophaty prognosis is accurate in 66% of cases, especially in patients with retinometry 20 /150, and stability of diabetic retinopathy with pan retinal photocoagulation .
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