Stop-chop and flip technique: a technique for hard cataracts
Poster Details
First Author: M.Amber EGYPT
Co Author(s):
Abstract Details
The aim of this study is to provide a simple technique to overcome the leathery posterior plate
Sohag university hospital
If I fail to separate the leathery posterior plate, I rotate the nucleus 90º to start my technique. The heminucleus opposite the phaco tip is impaled in its center, and pulled centrally. The chopper is then passed behind the equator of this heminucleus. The part of the impaled heminucleus adjacent to the chopper is chopped and separated from the rest of the heminucleus but is still attached to the posterior plate. Using the tip of the chopper, this chopped part is further pushed centrally until separated from the posterior plate and flipped into the anterior chamber
In all cases where this technique was applied, the rock hard cataracts were successfully emulsified despite incomplete division after the first trench due to the presence of the leathery posterior plate. Average energy was used in all cases with very minor postoperative corneal edema or totally clear cornea.
No major complications were encountered in all cases.
Stop-chop and flip technique offers safe and relatively comfortable phacoemulsification in patients with rock-hard cataracts and leathery posterior plate. Also, this technique does not require a steep learning curve
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