Complications for sulcus placement of single piece IOLs
Poster Details
First Author: C.Feraru ROMANIA
Co Author(s): A. Pantalon
Abstract Details
To emphasize the complications of sulcus placement for single piece IOLs.
University of Medicine and Pharmacy „Gr.T.Popa” Iași, Romania
2 „Sf.Spiridon” University Hospital, Ophthalmology Unit, Iași, Romania
Case 1: female patient with OU high myopia who underwent cataract surgery; in OS due to PCR during phacoemulsification the surgeon placed a single piece IOL in the ciliary sulcus. One month postop the patient develops recurrent episodes of hyphema and uveitis. After a hemophthalmus episode, explantation of the sulcus IOL was performed and exchanged with a multipiece IOL; favorable outcome was noted.
Case 2: male patient with OU high myopia who underwent cataract surgery;single piece IOL, placed in the ciliary sulcus, induced severe UGH syndrome. Conservatory topical anti-inflammatory treatment achieved inflammation cessation and normal IOP with anti-glaucoma medications.
Case 3: male patient who underwent cataract surgery in OD with single piece sulcus IOL placement after ocular trauma. One year postop the IOP raises and topical medications are required to achive IOP control. Pigment dispersion was marked, triggered the chronic „rubbing” of the IOL haptics against the posterior iris surface. Gonioscopy confirmed marked pigmentation in the trabecular meshwork. Uncontrolled glaucoma mandated filetring surgery.
Conclusions: inadequate sulcus placement of IOLs induces significant complications that determine structural and functional impairment after cataract surgery.
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