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Presented Poster Session: Cataract Surgery Special Cases
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Saturday 14 September 2019 | Session Time: 15:00-16:30
Venue: Poster Village: Pod 1- 15:00
- Comparing the prediction of refractive error with different intraocular lens calculation formulas in cataract surgery with short axial length
Presenting Author: K.Kim SOUTH KOREA - 15:05
- Clinical evaluation of extended-range-of-vision IOL (ZXR00) implantation for refractive correction in cataract patients after radial keratotomy (RK)
Presenting Author: M.Bragheeth KUWAIT - 15:10
- Visual and refractive outcomes following cataract surgery with a small-aperture intraocular lens in eyes with previous laser refractive surgery
Presenting Author: S.Srinivasan UK - 15:15
- Scheimpflug imaging of posterior polar cataracts
Presenting Author: S.Virdee UK - 15:20
- New-approach formula for IOL power calculation in keratoconus
Presenting Author: V.Camps SPAIN - 15:25
- Phacoemulsification in a sitting position
Presenting Author: M.Muraine FRANCE - 15:30
- Accuracy of the Barrett TK formula for intraocular lens power calculation in patients undergoing corneal refractive surgery
Presenting Author: K.Kim SOUTH KOREA - 15:35
- Deviation from predicted postoperative refractive outcome (DPPOR): a desktop study investigating the association between patients' eyes in a real-world data set
Presenting Author: A.Haq UK - 15:40
- Cataract surgery outcomes with toric intraocular lenses in eyes with previous radial keratotomy
Presenting Author: C.Soare UK - 15:45
- Predictability of refractive outcome of a small-aperture intraocular lens (IC-8, Acufocus) in lens exchange surgery with advanced irregular corneal astigmatism
Presenting Author: J.Langer GERMANY - 15:50
- Evaluation of a new concept of combined implantation of a small-aperture IOL and a segmental refractive bifocal intraocular lens
Presenting Author: R.Khoramnia GERMANY - 15:55
- Estimation of IOL optic power calculation refractive results with the use of different formulae in extremely long eyes: preliminary report
Presenting Author: M.Kremeshkov RUSSIA - 16:00
- The audacity of an EDOF implantation after refractive surgery
Presenting Author: B.Cochener-Lamard FRANCE - 16:05
- Comparison of visual outcome in nearly 1,000 eyes using rotational asymmetric refractive intraocular lens: high, medium and low add
Presenting Author: B.Lin TAIWAN - 16:10
- The incidence and results of laser enhancement after cataract and refractive surgery with trifocal lens implantation
Presenting Author: D.Jordanovova CZECH REPUBLIC - 16:15
- Visual, perceptual and cosmetic comfort in patients with bilateral cataract and blindness: charity programme within the EU
Presenting Author: D.Grupchev BULGARIA - 16:20
- Assessment of IOL edges using scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy: Clareon IOL vs AcrySof SN60WF IOL
Presenting Author: L.Mastropasqua ITALY - 16:25
- Quality of vision after cataract surgery with mono- and multifocal lens implantation in patients with different types of refraction
Presenting Author: N.Lutsenko UKRAINE