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Biomechanical properties of a series of commercial foldable intraocular lenses

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Session Details

Session Title: Presented Poster Session: New & Interesting II

Venue: Poster Village: Pod 3

First Author: : J.Perez SPAIN

Co Author(s): :    I. Cabeza   J. Ares   L. Remon                 

Abstract Details


The purpose of this study is to evaluate experimentally the biomechanical stability of four different intraocular lenses (IOLs) with different optic and haptic design following the procedure described in the standard UNE-EN ISO 11979-3:”Ophthalmic implants-intraocular lenses. Part 3: mechanical properties and test methods.” International Organization for Standardization (2012).


Department of Applied Physics, University of Zaragoza, Spain.


Four IOLs with different haptic designs were analyzed. Model A and B: no angulation C-loop haptics; Model C: plate-haptics; Model D: double C-loop haptics. Experimental biomechanical behavior of the IOLs during a compression test was performed using MFC-1385-IOL (AMCC. Capens, France). The tests were performed according to ISO 11979-3, which establishes a 10 mm compression for IOLs intended for capsular bag placement. In this configuration, the following parameters were measured: compression force measured at the horizontal plane, axial shift measured at the vertical plane, horizontal decentration, tilt, and angle of contact between the lens and the clamps.


The minimum compression force was obtained for model B (0.2744 mN), while the higher value was manifested for model C (0.7842 mN). The range of axial shift variation was from 0.010 mm (models B and C) to 0.429 mm (model C). Horizontal decentration was very similar in all IOLs models under consideration (around 0.300 mm). The range of tilt variation was from 0.50º (model D) to 2.95º (model C). In angle contact measurement, variations for all evaluated IOLs were between 79.67º, for model B, and 108.40º, for model C.


Results suggest the importance of haptic design in the biomechanical stability of the intraocular implants inside pseudophakic eyes. The main function of haptics is to provide proper positional stability to avoid IOL tilt and decentration, which may affect the optical performance, particularly in multifocal and toric designs of IOLs. The obtained results are useful to predict the surgery outcomes and to help in the design phase to the manufacturers.

Financial Disclosure:

J. Pérez acknowledges Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad for the industrial PhD grant (DI-16-08888). L. Remón acknowledges Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Project DPI2017-84047-R.

Financial Disclosure:

... is employed by a competing company

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