Lessons learned from unsuspected binocular zonular dehiscence in a high myope cause for subluxation of ICL
Session Details
Session Title: Presented Poster Session: Intraocular Refractive Surgery
Venue: Poster Village: Pod 2
First Author: : S.Rachapalle Reddi INDIA
Co Author(s): : P. Padmanabhan
Abstract Details
To report a case of a high myope who underwent Implantable Collamer Lens (ICL) in eye but required explanation of the ICL 3 days later when there was a unusual rotation and subluxation of ICL
Department of Cornea and Refractive surgery in a tertiary eye care centre.
This is a case report of a 21 year old woman, who attended our Refractive Surgery clinic. Her corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA) was 6/9 in both eyes, with a refraction of -16.75Dsph/-1.50 Dcyl x 20 in the right eye and -13.50 Dsph / -2.00 Dcyl x 160 in the left eye. Her Keratometry was 41.32@70/43.25@160 in right eye and 41.32@1150/43.56@25 in the left. The keratometric axis in both eyes did not correlate with axis of subjective refraction. After being counseled about the pros and cons for all the options,she elected to have ICL in both eyes
Patient underwent toric ICL (-17.50Dsp/1.5Dcylx900) implantation in the right eye. Surgery was uneventful but on the 1st postoperative visit an inferior subluxation of the ICL was noted along with rotation. On retro illumination after complete dilatation there was abnormal reflex at the edge of the lens on tilting the eye down. Zonular patholology was suspected and UBM was done to rule out the same, which revealed a zonular absence in the inferotemporal quadrant in both eyes. The ICL was explanted the next day and CDVA restored to 6/9. Similar problem in other eye was averted by cancelling the surgery
Congenital / spontaneous zonular weakness may be missed, unless specifically looked for. We recommend that a UBM be done as a routine preoperative workup before any intraocular surgical intervention especially in high myopes and when the keratometric astigmatism do not correlate with subjective refraction and suspected significant lenticular astigmatism. Also ensure full dilated exam to pick any abnormal reflex from the edge of the lens.
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