Official ESCRS | European Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons


Malyugin Ring used ’open-sky’ during combined surgery

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Session Details

Session Title: Presented Poster Session: Combined Cataract Surgery & Cataract Surgery Complications

Venue: Poster Village: Pod 1

First Author: : Z.Biro HUNGARY

Co Author(s): :                           

Abstract Details


To demonstrate a new surgical technique for the use of the Malyugin ring. Small pupil (<4.0 mm) is a challenge for cataract surgery. Malyugin ring was advised for small pupil cataract cases in 2007 and since it is widely accepted int he everyday practice.


Department of Ophthalmology, University of Pécs, Hungary


Combined surgeries of perforating keratoplasty (PKP) and cataract surgery with PC-IOL implantation on two small pupil cases have been performed. To the best of our knowledge this is the first time when Malyugin ring was used ”open-sky” to keep the pupil dilated for safe and successful cataract extraction and in-the-bag PC-IOL implantation.


The pupils were successfully dilated and kept wide during the combined surgery of PKP and cataract extraction. The surgeries will be demonstrated by videopresentation.


Using Malyugin ring open sky is safe and successful for small pupil combined cataract cases.

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