Phacoemulsification in a sitting position
Session Details
Session Title: Presented Poster Session: Cataract Surgery Special Cases
Venue: Poster Village: Pod 1
First Author: : M.Muraine FRANCE
Co Author(s): : G. Boutillier
Abstract Details
Phacoemulsification is a common surgical technique that can be used in most difficult surgical conditions. However, it requires that the patient can be lying on his back on the operating table. The purpose of this video communication is to propose a surgical solution to patients who can not lie on their back and who also have a contraindication to general anaesthesia.
vidéo / Charles Nicolle Rouen University Hospital
This is a series of two patients with advanced cataract, who can not benefit from general anesthesia and can not lie down more than 45 °.
To perform the procedure, the patient was seated in front of a slit lamp positioned in the operating room. After disinfection with Povidone-iodine, the patient is covered with a surgical drape and a blepharostat is put in place. All stages of phacoemulsification could be performed in this position using a bimanual technique and are presented in video.
We did not report any complications during the 4 surgeries performed and the two patients were very satisfied
We demonstrate that it is possible to perform each steps of phacoemulsification in a sitting position in the rare situations where the patient can not lie on his back.
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