Using small-aperture optics to treat post-corneal-refractive-surgery patients with cataracts
Session Details
Session Title: New IOL Optic Design
Session Date/Time: Tuesday 17/09/2019 | 16:30-18:00
Paper Time: 17:08
Venue: Free Paper Forum: Podium 1
First Author: : R.Zaldivar ARGENTINA
Co Author(s): :
Abstract Details
To evaluate visual performance and ease of use of a small aperture IOL in cataract patients with a history of corneal refractive surgery
Single site. Instituto Zaldivar, Mendoza Argentina
Retrospective analysis of 20 patients presenting for cataract surgery with a history of prior corneal refractive surgery. Prior corneal refractive surgery includes hyperopic and myopic laser vision correction (n=10) and radial keratotomy (N=10). Patients were implanted either contralaterally with an IC-8 IOL (AcuFocus) in one eye and a monofocal IOL in their fellow eye. IC-8 IOL eyes were targeted for -0.75 D and their fellow monofocal eyes targeted for plano. Uncorrected visual acuity, total corneal higher order aberrations, and manifest refractive surgical equivalent (MRSE) were evaluated.
Preoperative total higher order aberrations were 0.5 um + 1 um. Mean achieved MRSE in the IC-8 IOL eyes was -1 D + 1.5 D and 0.5 D + 1.0 in the fellow monofocal IOL eyes. For uncorrected near, intermediate and far visual acuities, patients achieved 0.2logMAR + 0.2, 0.1 logMAR + 0,2 and 0.2 logMAR + 0.3, respectively.
The combination of a small aperture IOL and a monofocal IOL provides prior corneal refractive patients with reliable extended depth of focus and effectively compensates for presence of corneal higher order aberrations.
Financial Disclosure:
research is funded, fully or partially, by a competing company