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Surgical Skills Training Courses

Cost per course: €100 or €150* (plus VAT)

NB: Places on surgical skills training courses are limited and delegates are advised to pre-book.


Please check that you have not selected two courses scheduled for the same time. If you select courses at conflicting times the Congress Organisers reserve the right to assign you to the next available course.


Course Topics:

Basic suturing techniques

This course will teach basic suturing techniques for ophthalmic surgery. Participants will have the opportunity to learn suturing techniques both with and without an operating microscope.
This course will have one participant at each station

Phakic IOLs

These courses will allow the participant the opportunity to handle phakic IOLs and practise several implantation techniques.
This course will have one participant at each station

IOL Explantation Wetlab

With an increase in the number of cataract refractive procedures and non-laser refractive surgeries, it is inevitable that occasionally a tiny proportion of these lenses may have to be explanted. The common reasons for this include: incorrect intraocular lens power resulting in postoperative refractive surprise, incapacitating glare and or haloes, IOL decentration or subluxation, improper size of phakic IOL, and inadvertent disenclavation of iris claw lens. It is thus necessary for the anterior segment surgeon to technically understand the nuances of explantation of various intraocular lenses.
This wetlab aims to discuss various clinical scenarios, which an anterior segment surgeon may encounter and provide hands on experience on the explantation of some of intraocular lens designs.
These courses will have one participant at each station 

Basic phacoemulsification

This course will provide practical experience in removing a cataractous lens from porcine eyes. Hands-on experience in phacoemulsification, incision/CCC and lens insertion will be provided.  
This course will have one participant at each station.

Posterior capsulorhexis “Bag in the lens”

This course will allow participants to become proficient in posterior capsulorhexis as a useful technique in the management of posterior capsule tears. Participants will also have the opportunity to practice the dual technique of same size anterior and posterior capsulorhexis necessary for the implantation of the “bag in the lens” capsular supported IOL.
This course will have two participants at each station.

Intraocular and Transscleral Suturing

This course will teach intraocular and transcleral suturing techniques for iris and pupil repair, sulcus and iris fixation of subluxated IOL’s. Sulcus fixation of CTR’s and use of goretex sutures in ophthalmic surgery.
This course will have one participant at each station.


This course will enable the participant to practise various techniques for handling and removing the corneal epithelium. Individual instruction will be given with the aid of porcine eyes. The management of the epithelial flap created in the LASEK procedure will be elucidated. Epi-LASIK will be demonstrated as well. Various excimer lasers will be available for practising surface ablation.
This course will have two participants at each station.

Phaco: Management of complications

This course includes practice on porcine eyes of the various techniques discussed in the didactic course including management of white cataract with Tryphan Blue and insertion of intracapsular rings. Also included are the various advanced phaco techniques such as vertical chop, phaco slice, stop and chop and hemi-flip.
This course will have one participant at each station. 

LASIK (Laser in situ keratomileusis)

This course will familiarise ophthalmologists with the assembly and use of various microkeratomes used to create a corneal flap, with special attention to surgical techniques and management of complications. A variety of microkeratomes and excimer lasers will be available for use by the participants. This course will also demonstrate flap-creation using a femtosecond-laser (FS60). Each participant will have the opportunity to create corneal flaps and perform excimer laser ablations on porcine eyes.
This course will have one participant at each station.